Katie Reed Poems

Scattering Garden

The bushes bear

no seed in winter.

Mourners stand

on planks

of a wooden arch.

They release ashes

onto rocks below,

a sea of blank faces.


Spider’s Stance

An alabaster stone,

smooth as the rock which bore it

and washed it by the stream –

among grainy bits of speckled white,

stood a spider.

It turned – paused – positioned,

its body, thick and copper,

reared like a wild mustang

in the western plains.

I swallowed my fear,

careful not to exhale,

breath held in suspension.

Waited – then it hustled down into a gully

and I skipped that stone across the stream.



Who pushes the wind past cheeks stinging harsh

through a window slit on desks scattering

words lying in print: neither you nor I.

Emerson’s beauty?

Frost’s dark design?

I have stood against the wind, screamed its name

as it raged destruction on rooftops, dismantled birches

to its will and stole a lover’s locket

up into concealed blankets of smoke grey.

I have welcomed the wind, whispered its name

as it swirled droplets of warm salt air,

carefully lifted a child’s kite with ease

up, up into illuminated blue.


is a lost stranger to freedom in form

pushing forth the wind.

Dickinson’s soul may rest easily.


Threads in the Forest

She talked of working in the factories, riveting metal to metal, the amount of manicures it took to right the calluses. She said it was like sewing together planes. She asked what the war was like. I wanted to say it was like sewing body to body, trying to hold the world together…I told her people saw worse than me. She frowned. I was not a war hero with medals pinned to my chest. I was a man with neatly parted hair who drank too much, coffee and the other stuff. I could not be riveted back together. This was not a callous that could be buffered away. She toyed with perfect pin curls and commented, with a pink pursed frown, about the rain. I remembered the rain, shiny on the fogged glass of my watch. The hands ticking, obscured by mud. Time was obscured by mud and tin can meals and the cold of the trench. Her nails were a familiar red. She fussed with a stray thread on my shirt, flashes of ruby against the forest green. The forest was darker, greener. Threads didn’t stand out in forests. She smiled rows of perfect white teeth. I remember sand and an ocean and foam that bubbled bodies, shoving them against the shore. A cemetery. She asked if St. Laurent would be warm this time of year.

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