Featured Author, Patrick T. Reardon

Patrick T. Reardon, a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee, is the author of six poetry collections, including Salt of the Earth: Doubts and Faith and Puddin’: The Autobiography of a Baby, A Memoir in Prose Poems. His poetry has been featured in numerous journals such as America, Rhino, After Hours, Heart of Flesh, Autumn Sky, Silver Birch, Burningword Literary Journal, The Write Launch, Poetry East, The Galway Review, and Under a Warm Green Linden. In addition to his poetry, he has also written a history book titled The Loop: The ‘L’ Tracks That Shaped and Saved Chicago, which was published in 2020 by Southern Illinois University Press.

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Featured Artist: Philip Arnold


Using black & white 120 film, Philip Arnold’s photographs explore lo-fidelity atmospheres often suggestive of memory and daydreams. His subjects are static and fluid and seek to capture the dynamic energy of street environments within the geometries and textures of their built environment. He employs optical conditions, primarily through the use of a plastic lens, to add resonance to historical cityscapes and urban topographies—and to amplify the singular among the common. Arnold’s photography has appeared in Humana Obscura, Black & White magazine, Atticus Review, Fugue, Compose, Apeiron Review, and Gravel Magazine, and has exhibited at the Soho Photo Gallery (NYC), A Smith Gallery (Texas), Nave Gallery (Mass), and Santa Clara University (CA).

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