blood slither, vomit, road shoulder, broken
antlers, up a hill, looks eighteen, frosty grass,
shivers, entrails, air like needles, hyper ventil
late cameo in glass, commuter, brake musing,
nausea, back road helplessness, call the police?,
grounded, mom’s breakfast, sausage goo,
failure, puffs of air, coalescence, coughing,
another payment, another day, another dollar,
dad’s glare, bruises, schoolhouse rumors,
irresponsible, grandma’s prayers,  doctor visit,
whistling wind, ashen clouds, naked trees
Looking Through a Hole in the Brick of the Bingo Hall
I see an excited man standing, everyone else sitting,
in the fourth row through the tobacco haze
He looks at his card, finger tracing,
eyes looking up down up down while a
toothless man somewhere in the back lifts
a bottle to his lips
The plastic balls click in the drum like
forgotten change at the laundromat
The man, hand raised, shouts over
four laughing ladies and the room
hushes to hear his case
R.M. Cymber is a graduate student at Fontbonne University in St Louis, Missouri. Some of his works are featured in Scrutiny Journal, The Provo Canyon Review, and Crack the Spine Literary Magazine. His poem “Manna” was nominated for the 2017 Pushcart Prize. He is also an editor at River Styx Literary Magazine. Currently, he is writing poetry and short stories.