Absinthe Dream
You share with me a bottle of special absinthe
I drink a sip
(Of that special substance!)
I feel the world slip.
The bottle clatters on the floor,
The glass window behind me shatters a thousand score,
And all of my reality is reduced to shredded tatters,
As I see the ashes fall,
As I hear the howling wind call
From a black void that swallows us both-
-in a pitch-black stasis
Where we can stare
At each other’s faces-
I hear you breathe,
I hear your heart beat,
As we embrace,
As we kiss,
As we touch,
As we feel our warm bodies together
In this cold realm where time has stopped,
Where deadlines, obligations, stress, rivalry, anxiety, and uncertainty,
Are nowhere to be found.
But if this moment ends,
I will wake up,
From dreaming,
Broken and screaming,
Falling and crying
And burning and dying
In a cacophony of fire
Raging out of the broken rubble in a twisted spire
That will consume you and me
In a black, lifeless, and torrent-ridden sea.
A Viking Eulogy
I will not let her name be forgotten
In a field of whimpers and whispers,
Nor will I let her memory dissipate
Into nothingness as I grow bitter and senile,
And I will not let her be confined
To a rotting obituary page
That flatly states that she died in a mess of metal and gravel.
I will give her a Viking Eulogy,
The story will say she had healing hands
To soothe a troubled soul,
And her soft voice would lift hearts,
And put a poor creature’s fear to rest,
And her hugs were tight and filled with love,
To anyone who held her dear in regard.
She was a Priestess of Peace.
I will give her a Viking Eulogy,
I was a lost man
Until she found me
Sitting on a stone bench.
I told her I was a broken piece
And she fixed me up for a day,
She told me to forget about the person
Who broke me, and I did.
She will have her Viking Eulogy,
I will not let her be forgotten by the ravages of time
Because her grave stone will break down from disuse
A thousand years from now.
I will sing of her Viking Eulogy.
Kristopher Miller has been published in Sifting Sands, Tenth Street Miscellany, Down in the Dirt, and others. He is also the self-published author of The Maze’s Amulet, an urban fantasy novella and the poetry anthology Poisoned Romance; both these books are available digitally on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.