I dropped your mother’s
mirror. A horse reared: I spilled
hot coffee on your lap in Amish
country. I walked under three
ladders to get to the office every
day. I hid a small black cat in
the front bedroom. You hated
cats. I was busy hating myself
Kelley’s writing has been widely published since 2000 in journals including Exquisite Corpse, Friends Journal, Nimrod, Poet Lore, Rattle, the Journal of the American Medical Association and in a number of chapbooks and full-length collections, most recently Toxic Environment from Boston Poet Press, Two Birds in Flame, poems related to the Shaker Community at Canterbury, NH, from Beech River Books, and “In Memory of the Body Donors,” Covert Press. She have received several honors, including a 2008 grant for poetry from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.