Rilke of ten thousand shadows, slant-rhyming death-gold, come where Dylan Thomas drank, at Stag and Deer Inn under the ruby-eyed tiger-head. Recite correspondence of Zeus and Hera detailing eight hundred years. Again Zeus’s thunderhead will detonate. Other gods will laugh at humanity’s lost cubist musicians, our actresses with four mansions on three continents. But don’t damn our string quartets, balalaikas, dense fugues and astronauts watching earth’s ultramarine strand drop away. Zeus himself admires earth as a green steel raindrop. O lift a last bracing whiskey at Stag and Deer Inn and eternize this moment, Rainer Rilke.
Print & Digital Issues
Issue 111, published July 2024, features works of poetry, flash fiction, short nonfiction, and visual art by Philip Arnold, Elise Ball, Omar Bárcena, Lucy Bryan, James Caton, Hannah Cook, Shutta Crum, Alan Elyshevitz, Matthew James Friday, Michael Hardin, Bob Haynes, Elizabeth Hill, Courtney Hitson, Justin Lowe, Jen McConnell, Kathy McConnell, mnemonixART, Joseph Charles Mollica, Michelle Morouse, Edie Noesser, Ernst Perdriel, Patrick T. Reardon, Michael C. Roberts, Dave Sims, VA Smith, Sharon Lee Snow, Jonah Sheen Tan, Josje Weusten, S.E.White, Holly Willis, Ellen June Wright, and Caitie Young.