Feral Cat

Quietly with sly energy,

it circles a black hole

in this jungled universe.


feral mind feline creeping

pauses in pursuit, too ready

to nap another day away.


Oh this mind like the attic, bearer

of all rejects: artwork, furniture,

broken toys, cobwebs, dust motes

claim stale air.


Emotion is turned off, more a leaky pipe

for some replacement part

now on backorder, while the mind


Remains confused, eschews

uncorked sadness, challenges

action, the what if and what is

as it appears in the present.


The cat’s tail like an antenna picks up

a mouse dead behind the old

sewing machine table, stalks its remains


Through a packed jungle of unwanted

leftovers; none show rhyme nor reason.

Could that mind, more likely instinct


Than feelings lie among that pile

of castoffs already in play

between two large cat paws?


by Lee Landau


This poet writes with raw honesty about family events, those dysfunctional backstories. She shelters emotion from the snowy winters of Minnesota that spark her imagination. She writes about obsessions, both large and small that tumble through her poems. Publications include BlueStockings Magazine at Brown University, Wisconsin Review, Breath and Shadow, Avalon Literary Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, Ice Box Journal, Rockhurst Review, Vending Machine Press, The Monarch Review, Else Where Lit.

City Without a Name

Moon jelly in the sea noodle

Shimmer of flying fish  morning

Laughs to itself  the sky has landed

Along the beach  water dripping off its hair

Sometimes the world might

Come in a little ahead of the game

Today it looks like it was going to rain

Airwaves change a seagull into a musket ball

The lovely girl I’m too old & fat for

Sets her halo down

Next to her umbrella

It must get mighty rainy in heaven

& there’s still a star in the sky

A little pinkish around the edges

Gotta change this reality

Hold onto life by its tables & chairs

Typhoon voices too loud to be heard

Words bouncing around in the back of my mind

Rainfall rattles the windowshades

The wind seems laboring

Up a long flight of stairs

A car horn honks my name

The cannonade of an endless heart

A new window has opened

Spider webs are forming

The ceiling is falling

The Eiffel tower in miniature

Infrared balloon bubbling

Between the starfish high

In the mountains

& what only time will tell

The world loves itself in a special way

A man doesn’t have to worry about

The sunlight on how it is.  The shadow

Of the door swung its shadow.  She kind of

Knew something was going to happen

It was a ruby chandelier shot thru a wineglass

Falling back into empty spaces

Handwriting too indecipherable

To remain undecoded

A book too complicated

To remain unfinished

Bricks ripped away

In the underground restaurant

To make it seem more rustic

There is a solidity

Even in dreams

With its last breath the mountain

Yodels down the ravine

Nothing but rock formations

Shaped like cathedral spires.



by Kurt Cline

Kurt Cline is Associate Professor of English and World Comparative Literature, National Taipei University of Technology.  His full-length book of poetry, Voyage the Sun, was published by Boston Poet Press in 2008.  Poems and stories have appeared, most recently, in BlazeVOX, Danse Macabre, Shotglass Review, Wilderness House Literary Review, HuesoLoco, Apocrypha and Abstractions, Black Scat, and Clockwise Cat.  Scholarly articles have appeared in Anthropology of Consciousness; Concentric, Beatdom Literary Journal; and Comparative Civilizations and Cultures.


…they try all the avenues, all the dusty streets, all the leafy parks, the houses in the better parts of the town, but they’ll not get me, they’ll not find me, they don’t know, how to do, how to do what they try to do, they fail, they always fail, it is I who knows, I have a map you see, a map of the whole town, all its nooks and crannies, I know the formula, the places to go and how to get there, despite everything they will fail, oh I look forward to it, I rub my hands at the thought of it, it will be quick when the time comes, I really cannot wait, but they will try, they will try anything, mostly it will be their trying, not my succeeding, oh I know that, and they do too, they know it is pointless, it will fail, they will try though, they always do, or do not, I mean they always fail, they won’t find me no matter where they go, no matter what they do, through leafy parks and dusty streets and oily roads, of tar and sand and stone and crisp corners in the lines along the sky, through small idle windows in red brick, no, they won’t find me, no,  I know, you see I can tell from here, I can see them, they cannot see me, only they think of me, hiding the words, it gets them thinking I know, I know all they can try, they try this as much as they like, I don’t mind, I am patient, it is they that are in the hurry, it is always, there is no end to it…


by Martin Keaveney


Martin Keaveney’s recent fiction  includes ‘The Rainy Day’ in the anthology Small Lives (Poddle Publications), ‘Last Order’ in Crannog and ‘A New Freedom’ in  Gold Dust  magazine with work forthcoming in Agave Magazine.  His flash fiction piece ‘Laugh’ will appear in Apocrypha and Abstractions magazine in March.  He has a B.A. in English and Italian and an M.A. in English (Writing) from NUI, Galway, Ireland. He is currently a PhD candidate at NUIG, 2014-18 where he is researching the John McGahern archive and also writing a novel as part of the course.