Cardinal Directions

I am a compass
on which polarity
has been reversed.
I move in directions
I feel I should move
and do not bother
to ask if it is right.

People question
my feet as they
propel me backwards
and my feet scuffle
along, concentrating
too much for
idle chit-chat.

They will not
ask me to my face
because they cannot
find it. For the world
has many eyes, none
of which can see.

Half-full Moon

I’m through measuring
my life by pounds
and inches. I come
to myself humbled,
asking forgiveness
but I will not listen.
I pour the last sorrow
down the drain.
It is the new year,
my glass is empty,
the half-full moon
urges me to celebrate.

Planning Nothing

Today I move
without rising
to my feet.
I think without
being conscious
of thought,
and act through
the inaction
of my soul.

The world is
a series of
focused on
now, past,
and future
none of which
is relevant.

I plan my day
by planning nothing.

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Listed with Poets & Writers
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List with Art Deadline
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