Ian Wells

Palouse Hills


Ian Wells is a graduate researcher at the Washington State University HYPER Lab studying Mechanical Engineering. He focuses on optical and EM systems with experience in aerospace, thermal, and nuclear analysis. He hopes to continue contributing to aerospace research for sustaining a human presence on the Moon and Mars, especially through imaging and life support systems. In his free time, he enjoys making pictures through photography and drawing, exploring the limitations of the technology used in his research, and using it to explore the world.

Martha Nance

Courtroom No. 5

Where’s Danny?



Martha Nance is a physician in Minnesota whose cellphone has a wandering eye, which gets rewarded mostly when she is not in Minnesota.

Kathryn Jordan



Kathryn holds an English M.A. from UC Berkeley. Her poems have twice won Honorable Mention in the Steve Kowit Poetry Prize and the Patricia Dobler Poetry Award, and have twice garnered Special Merit for the Muriel Craft Bailey Poetry Prize. Her work appears in The Sun, Atlanta Review, and New Ohio Review, among others. She takes pictures when she’s not hiking and writing. Find her work at http://kathrynjordan.org