Kathryn DeZur

Abandoned: Train Door

Abandoned: Train Door

How the Light Gets In: Train Window

How the Light Gets In: Train Window



Kathryn DeZur

Kathryn DeZur is a photographer, poet, and professor who teaches English at the State University of New York at Delhi. Her photographs feature places and objects that point toward an existence or essence beyond our ordinary experiences of them by translating them into an aesthetic register. These photos look for clues to the transcendent within the material. Her photograph Ciaroscuro: Tulips won the second place People’s Choice Award at the CANO Member’s Art Exhibition. Her poetry chapbook, Blue Ghosts, was published by Finishing Line Press last year, and her poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies.

Harry Longstreet

Boy With Flower

Boy With Flower



Harry Longstreet

No one just takes up space. The human condition is an entire canvas of thoughts, emotions and reactions to circumstances. These images try to capture the truth about diverse people and how they live and reflect their respective spaces. The subjects never know they’ve been photographed. The photographer doesn’t set-up or pose any shot and never shoots with anything but available light.

Christopher Paul Brown

Oops! II, Radical Play II

Oops! II, Radical Play II


Christopher Paul Brown

Christopher Paul Brown is known for his exploration of the unconscious through improvisation and the cultivation of serendipity and synchronicity via alchemy. His first photography sale was to the collection of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana. Over the past three years his photographs were exhibited twice in Rome, Italy and in Belgrade, Serbia. His series of ten photographs, titled Obscure Reveal, were exhibited at a Florida museum. He earned a BA in Film from Columbia College Chicago in 1980. Brown was born in Dubuque, Iowa and now resides in North Carolina.

Tetman Callis

Corporate Interior, 1991 #1

Corporate Interior, 1991 #1

Corporate Interior, 1991 #7

Corporate Interior, 1991 #7



Tetman Callis

Tetman Callis is a writer and artist who lives in Chicago. His stories and poems have been published in a variety of literary magazines. His photographs, painting, and mixed media pieces have shown in galleries in Albuquerque and New York City. One of his photographs appeared in Burningword Issue 94. He is the author of the memoir, “High Street: Lawyers, Guns & Money in a Stoner’s New Mexico” (Outpost 19, 2012), and the children’s book, “Franny & Toby” (Silky Oak Press, 2015). His website is https://www.tetmancallis.com, and he can be found on Facebook.

James Latimer





James Latimer

Artist writes and draws for children and young adults; has recent work at Heirlock, Showbear Family Circus, Fusion Art, Poster House NYC. Additional credits at grilrunning.com , on Instagram @ latimer.jim and/or to come.

Paul Rabinowitz

Limited Light

Limited Light

Limited Light

Limited Light

Limited Light

Limited Light


Paul Rabinowitz


Paul Rabinowitz is an author, photographer, and founder of ARTS By The People, a non-profit arts organization, based in New Jersey. Through all mediums of art, Paul aims to capture real people, flaws, and all. He focuses on details that reveal the true essence of a subject, whether they be an artist he’s photographing or a fictional character he’s bringing to life on the page. Paul’s photography, short fiction, and poetry have appeared in many magazines and journals, including Long Exposure, Linden Avenue Literary Journal, Pif, Burningword, The Metalworker, and others. Paul is the author of Limited Light, a book of prose and portrait photography, and a novella, The Clay Urn, (Main Street Rag, 2020). Paul is currently at work on his first novel, Confluence, and Grand Street, Revisited, a collection of prose poems. www.paulrabinowitz.com


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