In This Issue
Luck with an F
Minseo Jung
Night Drive
The Darkness White
Kristin Lueke
The Light Was Never Ours
Julien Griswold
Comedown in a Club Bathroom
Chronoscope 262: March like thaw water
Sastry Karra
Airport Prayer
Taegyoung Shon
Dinner parties
Jean Wolff
Unbidden Image
Local Boys
How to Touch the Dead
José Being Himself
needle blight
Spencer Jones Ate the Last Dodo
Yeobin Park
Lost Places
Stephen Curtis Wilson
Linda K. Allison
Hyungjun Chin
Suspended in air
Ron Riekki

Hyungjun Chin
Hyungjun Chin is a Sophomore at Cornerstone Collegiate Academy in Seoul, Korea. He is very interested in describing historical events through graphic design or 2D drawings. He has tried various ways to express his feelings about historical events through...
Ron Riekki
I get asked to be on a podcast and he’s never read any of my poems, ever, doesn’t even know my name, asks me, “So, what’s your name?” as if this is a thoughtful question, and I wonder how much research he’d have had to do to find out my name, especially when we’ve already exchanged multiple emails, and he says, “So, what are you? A poet? A fiction writer?” And I realize he’s going to ask me my height next and weight after that and maybe we’ll get into sports and weather in a bit, and I realize how much I ache to have a person who just simply sees me, how I was just on an elevator yesterday with two people, one on my left and one on my right, and how they talked through me, as if I am a ghost, and I get ready for the podcast host to ask me if I’m a phantom and I get myself ready to say, “I don’t know. I might be. I feel like I’m fading.” And I remember seeing an interview with Norm Macdonald when it was nearing the end of his life and no one knew it was nearing the end of his life, except him and a few other very select people, and it feels like that for me, like I’m near the end, and when I write, sometimes I think, “Is this my last poem?” And I remember talking to Donald...
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